Austar, a trans-national corporation whose main areas of business are in migration, student recruiting and overseas property sales in China, recently requested a presentation from CIA on the differences between insurance in China and insurance in Australia, and the crucial importance of insurance to protect business enterprises in these modern times.

The presentation, conducted by CIA Account Executive, Robbie Li, was to an audience of Austar clients. Key features of Robbie’s presentation included the importance of Duty of Disclosure and the risks of under-insurance.

Robbie’s presentation was well received by an appreciative audience. Austar have since requested CIA prepare a schedule of on-going presentations on the value and benefits of risk management and insurance issues.

About Austar Group Ltd

Austar is a transnational corporation, with main areas of business being in migration, student recruiting and overseas property sale in China.

Austar has branch offices in Sydney & Melbourne in Australia, Auckland in New Zealand, Vancouver in Canada and 19 cities in China.

Austar has more than 500 employees and their head office is in Shanghai China.


Please contact Robbie anytime on 1300 446 787 or